WAD - Movement

Mouse - Menus

Space - Open/Close Inventory

Made in  around 12 Hours total for the 2nd Monthly Muu-Off

Updated 1 day ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
Tags2D, Procedural Generation, Space


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(1 edit)

good job

Thanks :)

i broke your game lol

This is so nice!

I was expecting something of lower quality going in, but the gameplay here is pretty good for a 12-hour jam title. 

It lacks a grander goal or purpose, but flying around to random planets and hollowing them out was a nice time.

Yeah, I didn't really give myself enough time to give the player a goal or whatever, I guess the goal is just to make as much money as possible.

I think in the future I could add a home planet and some automation stuff.